Wandering holograms

Visions from this life or another reflect distort and invert perception. We may want freedom from the known but to fathom freedom is begin to remember. To remember is to grieve, then maybe see.

An exquisite corpse of impressions course through our lives, an art work entity, a ghost in the machine, driving the machine, relatively polite until analyzed. We set up shop in the impression careening into the same pattern.

To evolve is an option. As the tree is bent, so grows the branch. What glories come with pruning. A contortion becoming.

You, the one who has contemplated loss are easy to sit with. Integrated insight is exquisite life. To trust, we must become trustworthy. The inside eye reverses carefully. Where the eye sees out, it looks in.

Like an allergy, we crave what is inside of us. Crave it like a poison puzzle. Wanting to solve and expel. Everything with in us that we do not love will become an enemy to us. A loss in translation can become a shared psychosis, activating. Enactments repeat multi-generationally. Be still, slow down, nothing is real, but everything is potentially more than this.

We long to return to the garden. Where everything was magical and treacherous. To be small and dependent. How many generations of brokenness does there have to be before you ask for help with tenderness. Real adult life can be a garden that you may walk into or away from, a place of freedom, fruitful, loving. The tether pull is an old devotion that keeps us children - basked and suspended in the afterglow of melancholy. Convincing others is a reversed devotion - to ward off deep untold grief, and very oral. All themes are mutations of the same thing, until we give up the ghost. The content is old. Developmentally delayed devotions. To no longer seek paradise past, is to become paradise present. We, guilty, wear our tomb stone around our neck: "Here lies my expectation (see I was right)". Eternally repairing and repeating heartache until death. My expectation dovetails with yours so fluidly, dangerously. WHY do you think it's so exciting to meet and greet another solitude? It's not to become a martyr, but to join and transcend.

If you can partner w a friend on this road, Where you stumble, you will find your treasure.

People aren't motivated to grow w/o the growing pains in love. Confusing love with pain conflates this. Die before you die is to die to the obsession of mastering the past (all by yourself). Remember you are half-blind.

Once blinded, know you will be blind again. In order to trust, become trustworthy. Love is the intention behind the intention. Voices from the museum, recite the script. The readymade knows how to make the neptunian mirage beautiful as it hurts. Surrender, and give yourself thee love you need. The pain to receive, is to grieve, but you must. What you grieve is beyond the content. It is being bound in a body which denies.

We all hide behind something, no matter how noble. The veils and blocks are there for a reason, they don't need to be ripped off- rather dissolved. If not, they will come back or be passed on. The unworked past pushes into the present. Do you really want to be alone inside? Die before you die. Imagine. If cultivating love is the only path to enlightenment, then how many of us are lost. Love is the ultimate loss of control. None of us want to be bound, and yet.... so so bound. Listen. Loosen the tourniquet on your heart. Suck the air of XTC. Be still. Do a headstand, like the fool lets the blood of the heart fill the head. Time IS love and love is what is passing. Everything is passing. Take care of yourself. Make your house you're home before you fly away.

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i.e, 2020C'EST COMME CA, The Canyon, Green Waves and a Dot, Space, Nest...




Fasting from speech is good.  There are many ways to fast.  Thoughts are food, people are food ( i eat cannibal), patterns are food.  This eclipse season was intense transits.  A lot of information was revealed... not always nice, but rather searing reality... YAY...I have come to understand that all is temporary, but when you are in it, it can feel like it is never going to end- or if its good you don't want it to, but all things progress.  Endings can be progress.  Two years ago, the eclipses were termed " the summer of death".  A lot of famous icons passed on.  This year people were for the most part losing their heads,  which isn't always a bad thing either. Tho i bore witness to a girl trying to jump off a building outside my house, that's not what i mean ( they saved her).  So now she can start again.  I was re-visited by ghosts of the past in a clownish gesture or two.  Both gestures touched on my "worst nightmares".  I survived, and in truth, both gave me a get out of jail free card . Double knock out Haha, " I see your true colors that's why I LOVE you".  Good to let things finish.  New chapters.  I knew it was coming, as both incidents were released Hot Potatoes in August and October '10, and yea i'm into astrology it told me so.  NO I don't read horoscope, i watch energies.  Funny, but you never know how perfectly things work out.  The Universe is so Awe inspiring, Spellbinding in  its perfection, especially if you stand up for what you believe in.  So now what, after shedding some old skins who will be the new you?  What you gunna eat?  Do what you love first.  I painted a lot and re organized my house, much more to do, but its a good way to process visions. Not enough yoga of late, but balance is essential.  Dreams of riding a small tortoise shell up a hill slowly, guided by a invisible being.....and dreamed that once i shut the door of the past on of those two blessed teachers returned a beautiful bag of jewels to me they had been holding.  Thanks. I needed that, did not know i gave it to you.  Back to the losing of heads: You are driving, there is a sign that says ''loose your mind'', and some get bonkers and others brace themselves just shed a layer or two.  It always feels like XTC to be a bit lighter, and free of what we don't need, and if it is something you love, then you are, as you have always been, bound since pre eternity.


tree house ( madonna of oak)
honey suckle
 to the light house
someone likes you


in the eve
  comes a picnic 
or a fire tornado 2 clean your clock
like Joseph and Zuleikha
All for the living one, Halwa
mandala taxi 

here you go
castle vault
......ROLL W IT

hi, hi, hu

alert alert awake awake